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World Psoriasis Day 2019: LEO Pharma launches new campaign to reduce the stigma surrounding psoriasis

Ballerup, Denmark, October 24, 2019: LEO Pharma, a global leader in medical dermatology, announced that today, on the 15th annual World Psoriasis Day, LEO Pharma is launching a worldwide campaign ‘Change the View’ to minimize stigma for people living with psoriasis.

New global campaign aims to bust myths and reframe society’s reaction towards this common and non-contagious skin disease (1)

Increase understanding and reduce stigma related to psoriasis 

Psoriasis affects over 125 million people globally – not just physically, but also socially and emotionally. In addition to the visibility of the condition and pain, itching and bleeding caused by psoriasis, many affected people around the world experience social and work-related stigma and discrimination(1). Stigma, together with physical and psychological comorbidity are the main factors impairing the life of people living with psoriasis – on an acute and a cumulative level(2). 

This means that, for many with psoriasis, everyday interactions such as visiting the hairdresser or going swimming can be a serious challenge. In a study, 94% of psoriasis sufferers said it impacts their social life(3). It causes embarrassment, lack of self-esteem and increased prevalence of depression(4,5). Therefore, the campaign aims to help people better understand psoriasis, and to reduce the negative reactions that are hurtful and debilitating for many people living with the condition. 

Inspire new perspectives on stigma 

At the heart of the campaign is the belief that psoriasis itself does not cause exclusion – but society’s reaction to it does. The ‘Change the View ‘campaign is built on the hope that this can change. 

The campaign includes a series of films, animations, infographics and other relevant content providing new perspectives to the root causes of exclusion and stigma – all under the #ChangeTheView hashtag –  as well as a global campaign homepage with more information, details of local organizations and encouragement to get involved. 

For more information on the ‘Change the view” campaign and how LEO Pharma is supporting World Psoriasis Day 2019, please visit



  1. WHO resolution on psoriasis 2014 (introduction p. 4).
  2. WHO resolution on psoriasis : Psoriasis Healthcare and Facts in Europe – For decisionmakers and stakeholders”, 1st edition, 2018, PsONET: M.Augustin, M.A. Alexander Radtke, J. Augustin)
  3. WHO resolution on psoriasis : Pariser D, Schenkel B, Carter C, Farahi K, Brown TM, Ellis CN, and Psoriasis Patient Interview Study Group. A multicenter, non-interventional study to evaluate patient-reported experiences of living with psoriasis. J Dermatol Treat. 2015;1–8
  4. WHO resolution on psoriasis : Russo PAJ, Ilchef R, Cooper AJ. Psychiatric morbidity in psoriasis: a review. Australas J Dermatol. 2004;45(3):155– 9; quiz;160–1. 25.
  5. WHO resolution on psoriasis : Sampogna F, Tabolli S, Abeni D, IDI Multipurpose Psoriasis Research on Vital Experiences (IMPROVE) investigators. Living with psoriasis: prevalence of shame, anger, worry, and problems in daily activities and social life. Acta Derm Venereol. 2012;92(3):299–303.
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